Social commitment














Proud of making a difference

Each year DSD International Inc., its officers and employees are involved in humanitarian causes here and elsewhere. We chose to focus on those that provide assistance to children. We are proud to make a difference to contribute to a fairer and more humane world.


United Way, Québec and Chaudière-Appalaches

United Way is a philanthropic organization in Canada, recognized as a public foundation, to bring together the human and financial resources to the fight against poverty, to break social exclusion, reduce inequalities and prevent social problems.



Scouts of Thetford

Scouting is a youth movement based on learning strong values such as solidarity, mutual aid and respect. Its purpose is to help the young person to form their character and build their personality while contributing to physical, mental and spiritual development so they may become active citizens in society.




Leucan promotes the recovery and the well-being of cancer stricken children and supports their families by providing distinctive and tailored services and assistance through every stage of cancer and its side-effects.